Spiritual Dimension

Coffee Culture

The culture that surrounds coffee rests on relaxation, openness, and conversation. These aspects of the coffee-setting are incredibly beneficial to the spiritual well-being of coffee drinkers, even if one tends to drink a little too much!

Social Dimension

  • Excessive caffeine often boosts energy and may assist in the strengthening of social ties
  • "Coffee culture" centers around the consumption of coffee and often time evokes a sense of community 
  • Increased levels of energy associated with high caffeine levels can facilitate gregarious behavior in social settings

Emotional Dimension

 At high doses, typically greater than 300 mg, caffeine can both cause and worsen anxiety or, rarely, trigger mania or psychosis

Intellectual Dimension

Though moderate amounts of caffeine can supplement and enhance cognitive functioning, an excess renders individuals scatter-brained and hyper. Intellectual drive is diminished by headache, irritability, and inability to concentrate

Physical Dimension


 Occurs with consumption of large amounts of caffeine – usually more than 250 mg per day, and usually combines caffeine dependency with a wide range of unpleasant physical and mental conditions 

-Caffeine Jitters
